
1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 水 1 ル(PEAK)(Introduction S 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 金 4 ル(PEAK)(Introduction S ル(PEAK)(Introductory 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 月 2 ー S 時間割コード 時間割コード 時間割コード PEAK科目 30587 講義題目 授業の目標概要 31201 講義題目 授業の目標概要 30101 講義題目 授業の目標概要 開講 授業科目名 全学自由研究ゼミナー開講 授業科目名 全学自由研究ゼミナー開講 授業科目名 全学自由研究ゼミナーIntroduction to Qualitative Research Method ||This course is designed to familiarize students with qualitative research method used in sociology, anthropology, educational studies, and other fields in social sciences. |From Week 1 to 4, students will learn what qualitative research is, how qualitative research methods are used and designed in social science research through reading assignments and lectures and discuss its significance and limitations.|From Week 5o to 9 (no class in Week8), students will learn how to conduct research using interviews, how it is practiced in social science research, as well as will actually conduct interviews and analyze data.|From Week 10 to 13, plus a supplementary class, students will learn how to conduct research using observation, how it is practiced, and then will actually conduct fieldwork and analyze the data.|||||Students will be able to - understand the basic theories involved in what qualitative methods are and how they are practiced|- critically discuss the significance and limitations of qualitative methods, and - conduct interviews and observations with attention to research ethics.||| Introduction to regionalism: how do states cope with neighbors? Regions have been increasingly important to analyze international cooperation, partly because each region has distinctive features affecting nature of cooperation. This course aims to understand how states cope with their neighbors. Beginning with introduction of theoretical perspectives on regionalism, this course invites a wide range of issues on regionalism; from security to economic, and other issue areas. It also gives opportunities to share phenomenon of regionalism in various regions; Europe, Americas, Africa, Middle East, Asia. An introduction to the key physical principles underpinning the whole of modern chemistry, focusing on key ideas from quantum mechanics, molecular statistics and thermodynamics.| This course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the key ideas in Physical Chemistry with a focus on Quantum Mechanics and Thermodynamics.||By the end of the course, students should be able to||1) Understand the failure of classical mechanics.|2) Explain the key principles of quantum mechanics.|3) Rationalize the structure of atoms based on quantum mechanics.|4) Explain why the periodic table has the form that it has.|5) Describe the models of chemical bonding and use these models to predict the shapes and stabilities of molecules.|6) Understand the structure of gases including the effects of intermolecular forces.|7) Make calculations based on the kinetic theory of gases|8) Understand the relationship between the properties of individual molecules and of bulk samples.|9) Appreciate the significance of the Boltzmann distribution 10) Understanding key ideas in thermodynamic including work, heat, enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy.|11) Applying the basic concepts of thermodynamics to chemical equilibria| to Qualitative Research) to regionalism: how do states cope with neighbors?) Chemistry) (An introduction to the key physical principles underpinning the whole of modern chemistry, focusing on key ウッドワード・ ジョナサン・ロジャ担当教員 高橋 史子 担当教員 鈴木 早苗 担当教員 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 対象 対象 対象

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