
1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 水 4 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 木 3 S 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 S 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 月 4 S 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 月 1 時間割コード 時間割コード 時間割コード 時間割コード 時間割コード 竹下 大介、宮田 紘平、オデイ ジョン PEAK科目 PEAK科目 30770 S 講義題目 授業の目標概要 30938 講義題目 授業の目標概要 30892 講義題目 授業の目標概要 30219 講義題目 授業の目標概要 30025 S 講義題目 授業の目標概要 開講 授業科目名 エネルギー工学の基礎開講 授業科目名 ことばと文学(PEAK) 開講 授業科目名 スポーツ・身体運動 実習I(PEAK) 開講 授業科目名 国際・地域Ⅱ(PEAK) 開講 授業科目名 思想・芸術Ⅱ(PEAK) Renewable and Hydrogen energy contributing to carbon neutrality In order to achieve a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and to be carbon neutral by 2050, there is an urgent need to use renewable energy and hydrogen energy. This course introduces national and international examples of these energies and enables students to learn how to become carbon neutral for the future. Japanese Literature after 1945 After the collapse of the Japanese Empire in 1945, the empire’s former domains came under occupation by Allied Forces. Several reformations took place to transform the region from an empire to a nation-state. However, the legacies of Japanese imperialism remained throughout “Japan’s long post-war.” In this course, we will read works of the postwar Japanese literature as windows to survey significant and controversial issues in Japan such as gender equality, nuclear disaster, economic disparity, and minority problems. We will also examine texts in detail to consider how each text critically approaches social issues. Recreational activities for the promotion of fitness and wellness Provide an understanding of the fitness components and the importance of good strength, flexibility and endurance in physical health and wellness. Expose students to variety of activities that can be incorporated into a daily lifestyle. Apply the training principles for the management of the fitness components. China's political economy and its role in the world This course focuses on China's political economy and its future role in the world. In this course, students will study the economic development of China, its political and economic system, and its position in the global order. The course will also cover some current issues. Students will build a foundation which is required to understand the second largest economy in the world. The course will be conducted in English. The course will cover the following topics: a) China's political economy, b) reasons of successful economic development, c) features of policy-making, d) impact of China's rise for the rest of the world, e) China's role in the global order, and f) current issues (political events, US-China relationship, currency policy etc). Social, Political and Moral Philosophy This is a survey course in which we will read and discuss a range of important texts relating to how we should think and act towards others. The topics to be dealt with include: freedom of expression and action, language and politics, cultural relativism, nationalism and morality. (PEAK) 担当教員 河野 龍興 担当教員 逆井 聡人 担当教員 結城 笙子 担当教員 曽根 康雄 担当教員 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 木 4 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 対象 対象 対象 対象 対象

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