
時間割コード 31121 時間割コード 31122 時間割コード 31123 講義題目 授業の目標概要 講義題目 授業の目標概要 講義題目 授業の目標概要 開講 授業科目名 英語中級(クラス指定S セメスター型) 開講 授業科目名 英語中級(クラス指定S セメスター型) 開講 授業科目名 英語中級(クラス指定S セメスター型) 英語文学作品の精読ならびに映像版との比較 まず英語で短編や中編小説を精読し、その後、それらを原作とする映像作品を考察することで、言語テクストと映像テクストとの比較を行います。授業全体としては、①英文読解力、②文体や形式に配慮した文学テクスト解釈、③技法や演出に注目した映像テクスト分析、④双方の深い理解にもとづく原作と映像テクストとの比較、⑤文学から映像への「アダプテーション(翻案)」に関する理解、⑥ミニ課題やプレゼンテーションを通じた発信力、という5つの力を、実践をつうじてやしなうことを目標とします。 Let's Read and Discuss The aim of this course is to help students improve their reading skills in English, through a range of student- centred activities designed to stimulate responses and promote as much social interactions as possible online, including pair/group work and discussion. We will read (extracts from) a selection of short stories written by contemporary authors, including but not limited to the ones published in magazines such as The New Yorker and Granta. It is hoped that the course will help students not only to develop their reading fluency, but also to learn to enjoy authentic texts, as well as opening up new horizons. Exploring the Human Condition through Dialogs The objectives are to get some practice using the English language by reading dialogs in which the speakers talk about important or interesting issues, writing answers to questions about chapter contents, and preparing and delivering oral presentations. In regard to content, the course is built around a textbook which contains dialogs that touch on subjects related to education, the natural sciences, the humanities, the social sciences, and technology; the chapters include a two-page dialog, a photograph with a thought-provoking caption, a written exchange between the editor and author of the book, and five general questions. For all but the first class meeting (which will serve primarily as an introduction to the course), students will be assigned one or two chapters in the textbook to read before coming to class, and during class time there will be two graded activities: (1) writing answers to a set of questions in the book or otherwise related to the assigned chapter(s), and (2) working in small groups to prepare and make oral presentations based on selected themes, topics, or questions related to the chapter(s). 担当教員 秦 邦生 担当教員 志子田 祥子 担当教員 ポター サイ所属 英語 所属 英語 所属 英語 モン 曜限 金 3 曜限 金 3 曜限 金 3 対象 1年 文一二(17,22)文三(16) 理一(29,39) 対象 1年 文一二(17,22)文三(16) 理一(29,39) 対象 1年 文一二(17,22)文三(16) 理一(29,39) 英語中級(クラス指定セメスター型) 金3

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