1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 月 4 1年 文科 理科 月 1 S 2年 文科 理科 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 水 4 S 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 金 5 S PEAK科目 時間割コード 時間割コード 時間割コード 時間割コード ダルグリーシュ ブレジロドウ イザベル 30225 S 講義題目 授業の目標概要 30026 講義題目 授業の目標概要 30773 講義題目 授業の目標概要 31251 講義題目 授業の目標概要 開講 授業科目名 国際・地域Ⅱ(PEAK) 開講 授業科目名 思想・芸術Ⅱ(PEAK) 開講 授業科目名 思想・芸術Ⅳ(PEAK) 開講 授業科目名 社会・制度Ⅱ(PEAK) China's political economy and its role in the world This course focuses on China's political economy and the future role in the world. In this course, students will study the economic development of China, its political and economic system, and its position in the global order. The course will also cover some current issues. Students will build a foundation which is required to understand the second largest economy in the world. The course will be conducted in English. The course will cover the following topics: a) China's political economy, b) reasons of successful economic development, c) features of policy-making, d) impact of China's rise for the rest of the world, e) China's role in the global order, and f) current issues (political events, US-China relationship, currency policy etc). Introduction to Political Theory (IPT) Thought is the means by which we elaborate who we are, assert our membership of a culture, authorise institutions within society, make claims upon each other and encounter difference in a global world. It stands to reason that without philosophical reflection upon the core concepts at the heart of the social sciences and humanities, life today would have neither rationale nor articulated meaning. It is thus precisely for these reasons that IPT introduces students to some of the core concepts that they encounter and deploy in their undergraduate studies. The world in modern and contemporary Japanese literature This course focuses on works of prose and poetry written by Japanese authors from the Meiji period to the early 2000s, which are set outside of Japan or engage with issues related to the world outside of Japan (mainly Europe and America). It encourages students to reflect on the ways in which Japanese literature was changed, in form and content, through its interaction with the “West” at the beginning of modernity, as well as on how contemporary Japanese authors contribute to the production of “global” literature nowadays. Political institutions in sustainability transitions How can political systems move beyond institutional failure in turbulent but gridlocked governance contexts? Articulated around the notion of remaking institutions in sustainability transitions, this course explores the ongoing work involved in contesting, rethinking, and redeploying political institutions, and the challenges of doing so within complex existing setups. Through short interactive lectures, case studies and the elaboration of a final mini-project, students reflect on different types of struggles over deliberate institutional change and discuss their consequences for unfolding trajectories of institutional development in heterogeneous societies. On completion of this course, students should be able to analyse the purpose, coherence and fit of contemporary approaches to governance as they apply to major policy domains, and critically evaluate the processes by which political institutions are remade vis-à-vis weaknesses and failures to address many urgent challenges (including climate change, irregular migration, economic insecurity of citizens, and ageing societies). HOLCA Irina 担当教員 曽根 康雄 担当教員 ガム 担当教員 担当教員 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 対象 対象 対象 対象
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