
1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 金 2 S 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 金 5 S 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 金 5 S 時間割コード 時間割コード 時間割コード 総合科目 L 英語中・上級 31064 講義題目 授業の目標概要 31234 講義題目 授業の目標概要 31235 講義題目 授業の目標概要 開講 開講 開講 Education and Society This course will introduce learners to a broad range of theories, issues and debates about the societal roles and functions of schools, universities and education systems around the world. Taking a sociological perspective, the objectives of the course are to: •Introduce learners to a range of theories and approaches to critically analyze the roles of education in society •Debate and discuss the ‘grand challenges of education’, namely the challenges of participation, relevance, flexibility, quality, and funding •Examine the relationships between schooling and national and global identity formation •Explore debates about social mobility and reproduction through education in the context of gender, race and social class •Investigate the phenomenon of student-led social activism in varied socio-cultural contexts •Consider the challenges and implications for education systems in a century marked by rapid technological innovation and change We will engage with leading scholarship in the field, representations in the media, and our own educational experiences to explore these and other student-directed topics. Students will develop skills in academic reading, writing, presentation, and discussion. Introduction to American Gothic Fiction This course is an overview introduction to American Gothic fiction. In this class, students will learn to read literature in an interdisciplinary way. They will approach American Gothic through the lens of American social issues and in the context of American history. In addition to stories, students may be introduced to history, social criticism, gender theory, cultural theory, and scientific theories that suit the story we are discussing. Students who want to understand psychological, scientific, or historical aspects of literature are encouraged to take this course. Education and Society This course will introduce learners to a broad range of theories, issues and debates about the societal roles and functions of schools, universities and education systems around the world. Taking a sociological perspective, the objectives of the course are to: •Introduce learners to a range of theories and approaches to critically analyze the roles of education in society •Debate and discuss the ‘grand challenges of education’, namely the challenges of participation, relevance, flexibility, quality, and funding •Examine the relationships between schooling and national and global identity formation •Explore debates about social mobility and reproduction through education in the context of gender, race and social class •Investigate the phenomenon of student-led social activism in varied socio-cultural contexts •Consider the challenges and implications for education systems in a century marked by rapid technological innovation and change We will engage with leading scholarship in the field, representations in the media, and our own educational experiences to explore these and other student-directed topics. Students will develop skills in academic reading, writing, presentation, and discussion. 授業科目名 英語上級 授業科目名 英語上級 授業科目名 英語上級 Christopher D. Hammond LANDAU Samantha Christopher D. Hammond 担当教員 担当教員 担当教員 所属 曜限 英語 所属 曜限 英語 所属 曜限 英語 対象 対象 対象

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