
1年 文一二(13,24)文三(17)火 3 1年 文一二(13,24)文三(17) 火 3 1年 文一二(13,24)文三(17)火 3 1年 文一二(13,24)文三(17)火 3 ズ クリストファー 時間割コード 時間割コード 時間割コード 時間割コード 総合科目 L 英語中・上級 40149 S2 講義題目 授業の目標概要 40150 S2 講義題目 授業の目標概要 40151 S2 講義題目 授業の目標概要 40152 S2 講義題目 授業の目標概要 開講 英語中級(クラス指定ターム開講 英語中級(クラス指定ターム開講 英語中級(クラス指定ターム開講 英語中級(クラス指定タームIntroduction to Higher Education Studies In this introductory course we will explore the local, national, and global dimensions of higher education from sociological and comparative perspectives. Issues covered will include teaching and learning, internationalization, credentialism and employability, global rankings competition, academic freedom and knowledge production, and cross-border research collaboration. Emphasis will be placed on critically engaging with the tensions inherent in the varied social roles of world-class universities, institutions rooted in particular nation-states but active in international and global spaces. We will engage with leading scholarship in the field, representations in the media, and our own educational experiences to explore these and other student-directed topics. Students will develop skills in academic reading, writing, presentation, and discussion. Science Stories: From Textbook Fundamentals to Critical Evaluation of Claims This course will provide a case study series of stories with scientific content whose educational messages are valuable with respect to both the relevant underlying science as well as to the critical evaluation of claims made. Basic concepts and terminology, diagrams and formulas as found in textbooks will be studied in conjunction to applying a scientist's critical thinking toolkit, using adequate English language. The course is expected to be useful to not only students intending to major in sciences, but to all who would like to develop an understanding about how to read and evaluate science stories from mass-media or other sources. The main objective is to present students with practical, stimulating opportunities to experience English as a vehicular language (lingua franca) that future graduates will use for integrating into a multidisciplinary society and contributing to its technological advancement. Students will be challenged on three fronts: (i) comprehension of the studied scientific topics, (ii) mastering the use of appropriate English language to describe them from various angles and (iii) developing critical thinking ability by evaluating the claims made from viewpoints of logical consistency to scientific facts, acceptability of evidence from viewpoints of authority and statistical significance, adequacy of experiments and models. The Ghost Story: Describing spaces of the supernatural This short, term course will introduce students to key figures of supernatural horror writing, exploring the ways in which writers have tried to imagine and describe the ‘ghostly’ world that surrounds them. You will think about how the figure of the ghost (and the spaces it haunts) has had an impact on the way we think about and describe our relationship to place, history and society. The course is designed to help you think critically about ghost stories and how they describe people's fears, anxieties and experiences of the landscapes they live in. A number of short readings will provide opportunities for in-class discussion and develop your comprehension of the English text itself. Students will be expected to read excerpts and short stories in English on a weekly basis as preparation for in-class work and discussion activities. 英語の動画を視聴し、英語でディスカッションを行う 本授業では、英語の総合的な能力を高めることを主目標としています。CNNやTEDなどの動画を視聴し、内容を理解し、グループディスカッションを通じて、自分の意見を英語で話す練習を行います。また、ロジカルに自分の意見を言えるようになるために、ロジカルシンキングについても学びます。 本授業の目的は、以下の通りです。 (1)英語動画を視聴して、英語のリスニング力と読解力を伸ばす。 (2)動画を引用しながら、自分の意見を英語で話すスキルを高める。 (3)自分の気に入った動画を英語のプレゼンテーションで紹介し、プレゼンテーション力を高める。 授業科目名 型) 授業科目名 型) 授業科目名 型) 授業科目名 型) Christopher D. Hammond 担当教員 担当教員 朝岡 浩美 担当教員 リチンスキ ダン 担当教員 サーギル ジェーム所属 曜限 英語 所属 曜限 英語 所属 曜限 英語 所属 曜限 英語 対象 理一(9,19)理二三(7) 対象 理一(9,19)理二三(7) 対象 理一(9,19)理二三(7) 対象 理一(9,19)理二三(7)

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