
PEAK 科目 PEAK 科目 時間割コード 30752 S 30598 30781 講義題目 授業の目標概要 講義題目 授業の目標概要 講義題目 授業の目標概要 Reading Modern Japanese Short Stories NB. Please download and read handouts 0 and 1 on the page of this class at ITC-LMS by the first class on 7 April. As for the detailed schedule, consult handout 0. If you have any trouble in downloading, please contact me via email. This class introduces the history of modern Japanese literature through reading representative short stories published from 1895 to 2012. We will spend two weeks for a story (or a set of stories). In the first week, I explicate the social and literary background of the story. Then, you are to submit via email a short essay on any of the topics (200-300 words). The second week is mainly dedicated to the discussion based on your essay. Positive contributions to the discussion are always appreciated. All course materials are provided via ITC-LMS as pdf files. Introduction to Political Theory (IPT) Thought is the means by which we elaborate who we are, assert our membership of a culture, authorise institutions within society, make claims upon each other and encounter difference in a global world. It stands to reason that without philosophical reflection upon the core concepts at the heart of the social sciences and humanities, life today would have neither rationale nor articulated meaning. It is thus precisely for these reasons that IPT introduces students to some of the core concepts that they encounter and deploy in their undergraduate studies. Japanese Theater in Visual Arts Representations of theatrical buildings, plays, and actors form a broad spectrum of decorative sujets in Japanese art. The lecture will focus on the visualization of traditional performing arts such as Bugaku, Noh, Kabuki, and Bunraku in painting and woodblock prints. By looking at art works from the 16th to 20th centuries the lecture introduces Japanese theatre and painting traditions and histories. The aim is to provide the participants with basic tools to recognize and analyze pictorial works in the context of Japanese painting traditions and theater history. The examples will be analyzed less as authentic documents than as iconographic notations of performing arts that still prosper today. BERGMANN ANNEGRET PEAK前期 PEAK前期 PEAK前期 時間割コード 時間割コード 開講 授業科目名 ことばと文学(PEAK) 開講 思想・芸術Ⅱ(PEAK) 開講 思想・芸術Ⅳ(PEAK) S S 授業科目名 授業科目名 担当教員 武田 将明 担当教員 ダルグリーシュ ブレガム 担当教員 所属 所属 所属 水 3 水 1 水 4 曜限 対象 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 曜限 対象 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科 曜限 対象 1年 文科 理科 2年 文科 理科

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