
総合科目 L 英語中・上級 31180 講義題目 授業の目標概要 時間割コード 開講 (クラス指定セメスター型) Creative Thinking Albert Einstein once said that “creative imagination” is central to scientific progress. Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs, like many business leaders nowadays, likewise stressed that creativity differentiates average individuals and companies from exceptional ones. As important as creativity is said to be in today’s competitive global economy, what the creative process requires or involves is usually left unexplained. This course, therefore, aims to familiarize participants with what creative thinking entails, why it is important, where it comes from, and how individuals can improve their critical faculties to enable them to thrive in our era of rapid technological, social, political and economic change. By the end of the course students, besides improving their English speaking, listening, and writing skills, will learn: -- how some of the greatest innovators in human history have applied creative thinking to achieve breakthroughs in the realms of science, business, and the arts -- how they can overcome thinking blocks, formulate effective questions, create the right environment for creative thinking, and turn their creative thoughts into action S 授業科目名 英語中級 担当教員 ナルト デリック 所属 曜限 英語 金 4 対象 1年 文一二(8,26,28) 理二三(21)

元のページ  ../index.html#171
