
総合科目 L 英語中・上級 30569 30570 講義題目 授業の目標概要 講義題目 授業の目標概要 時間割コード 時間割コード 開講 (クラス指定セメスター型) Listening Comprehension This course is designed to help students improve their ability to apprehend and comprehend the English language in its spoken form. Students will learn to recognize, understand, and contextualize English expression as encountered in different genres and styles as well as in their own group discussions. During the first half of the semester, course materials will be selected from English oratory (formal speech), journalism, and storytelling. The topical focus will then shift toward history and cultural analysis based on educational films for youth from the 1950s. The films primarily address "manners" and appropriate social behavior. 開講 (クラス指定セメスター型) American Short Stories Believe it or not, there is such a thing as literature in America, and the purpose of this course is to familiarize students with this strange thing called American literature, which is usually considered a “minor” literature from the viewpoint of the history of civilization in the world. In the process to pursue this purpose, students will find themselves in a situation in which they cannot avoid reading more in English than they did in high schools. As a result, it is not totally unlikely that students might be able to develop their “reading skills” (whatever this phrase means). At least, it is very likely that students will become “used to” reading a considerable amount of texts written in English. As an English language course, there will be lectures on grammar and syntax that are used in the texts, but overall comprehension of the story and active interpretation on the side of the reader will receive more emphasis. This course will be taught in Japanese. Because this is not an “easy” course, those who see the English courses as nothing other than a means to earn credits should not take this course. If you are not confident enough about your command of English but willing to learn something new and different, there will be help for you. To the sophomore students, please contact the instructor before the first class via e-mail, and do not come to the meeting room without appointment. S S 授業科目名 英語中級 授業科目名 英語中級 担当教員 ロビンズ・ロジャー 担当教員 吉国 浩哉 所属 曜限 英語 所属 曜限 英語 水 1 水 1 対象 1年 理一(1-3,18,20-21) 対象 1年 理一(1-3,18,20-21)

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