
総合科目 L 英語中・上級 30190 30191 講義題目 授業の目標概要 講義題目 授業の目標概要 WONG Michelle 時間割コード 時間割コード 開講 (クラス指定セメスター型) English Through Advertising, and Advertising's Role in Society M4 The goal of this course is to assist students in understanding the relationships between advertising and the modern consumer-oriented society. By the end of this class, students will be able to present and discuss issues in a researched and structured manner. We will study advertising campaigns from TV, the Internet and print media, discover the sales messages contained in these and how they reach their consumer targets. We will also research the way similar products are marketed differently for different cultures or countries. In addition, we will evaluate the way different societies use PSAs (Public Service Announcements) to raise awareness of important issues such as Domestic Violence (DV), HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, etc. Topics covered will include: - TV Commercial Strategies - Print Advertisements Design Analysis - PSAs, CSR and cause marketing - Advertising controversies (political advertising, advertising tobacco and alcohol, advertising to children, gender and racial stereotypes in advertising.) 開講 (クラス指定セメスター型) TED Talks - Discussions and Presentations The primary goal of this course is to develop students’ confidence in using English to converse spontaneously on a range of topics. Through discussion activities and presentations, students will develop and strengthen communication strategies to express themselves more accurately and smoothly. S S 授業科目名 英語中級 授業科目名 英語中級 担当教員 メズールール ジェルマン 英語 担当教員 所属 曜限 所属 曜限 英語 月 4 月 4 対象 1年 文一二(10)理一(8,12)理二三(8) 対象 1年 文一二(10)理一(8,12)理二三(8)

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